Stay updated on major developments about Shardeum.
Shardeum (SHM) tokenomics model & dashboard was launched on 19th April with a live demo and almost 1500 viewers joining in
The dashboard released is the minimal viable product which will be built and refined with help of community in the upcoming weeks. Check it out, test and simulate node rewards on our website –
It will allow community/validators to run node reward simulations and calculate the node income based on network price action
Feedback form to report bugs and suggest new features
This is a huge landmark for the project considering the tokenomics has to be unique like the project itself with its standby nodes concept and linear scalability
The tokenomics model enables Shardeum Foundation/DAO to try and ensure there is always an equilibrium level of SHM supply (less than the max supply), low gas fees forever, and profitability for validators irrespective of the price and transaction action
Shardeum welcomes Chief Growth Officer,Kelsey McGuire who comes with wealth of experience in Web3 marketing leadership roles at ConsenSys, CoinFund among others
25 USDT for 3 winners every week up for grabs: Participate, and publish Shardeum project-related blogs on a reputable blogging platform in any language, and submit this form for a chance to win 25 USDT under Shardeum is Borderless program
Movie fans, gear up! Tune into our latest edition of Dapp Library on 25th April and get introduced to wowTalkies who is the world’s first fan engagement-platform for movie fans
Take home 50 USDT with our Telegram quiz: Participate in Telegram quiz here, test your knowledge on Shardeum and stand a chance to win 50 USDT
Tips to grow your own community by committer Chandresh: Tune into Community Hours on Discord where our social media/community lead, Chandresh, will guide you on how to build and grow your community
Want to build a crowdfunding dapp, create smart contracts? Our latest edition of Proof of Community events include workshops on how anyone can deploy smart contracts, build crowdfunding dapps among others. Find and register for IRL events taking place in nearby cities here
Within one year of creating its Discord Server, Shardeum has become the second-biggest L1 community on the platform. And yes, none of it would have been possible without YOU! That’s the beauty of...
I had the great pleasure of joining the Shardeum team this past fall - tasked with building out the People Operations function for the first time in its early journey towards bringing...