Web3 Learning & Job Opportunities

Web3 Learning & Job Opportunities

The power of Web3 is something you can look up to for seeking jobs as a Web3 professional. Explore this article for web 3 learning and job opportunities in web...

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Why Web3 Offers Exciting Career Opportunities

If You Are a Job-Seeker

Web 3 opens up flexible, remote, full time and part-time work opportunities while reimagining how humans coordinate and work. This is true for both tech and non-tech roles. Employees with web 3 experience are scarce and one can just stick around and find their true calling in web 3. As more and more demand builds up, you can expect to keep growing personally and professionally. Check out this space – this is how work gets done in Web 3 typically.

If You Are an Aspiring Founder

Web 3 startups characterized by open source software and decentralized ownership and governance have unique advantages to scale compared to web 2 startups. Tokenization allows web 3 startups to eliminate the need for high commissions and rentals, making most platforms and initiatives cost-competitive compared to their web 2 counterparts. Remember, Amazon was once a bookstore that understood the internet better than the other book stores.

If You Are a Problem Solver

Web 3 is in its nascent stages and a lot of infrastructure is yet to be built. The space is new and hence have plenty of problems waiting for innovators to solve them (DAO tooling, DeFi and Gaming UI and UX). In addition to enabling direct transactions between parties without having to pay commissions to middlemen or platforms, Web 3 opens up new ways of transacting between people including for charity and various social sector initiatives. Just look around for a problem in Web 3 – you will most likely have a solution for it. Remember Web 3 is only evolving from Web 2 so you would be familiar with most of the ideas here. And then it’s all about you pursuing to solve the problem and be one of the early specialists in the changing landscapes.

If You Are an Introvert/Extrovert

Web 3 is a heaven for introverts. People coordinate on discord and workflow tools such as notion. One can silently contribute to multiple initiatives without being judged by people left and right. I mean there should be no incentive for anyone in the evolving world to judge someone based on anything other than their work while at work, right? And, almost all web 3 companies are 100% remote. Further, you get a super active community to work with. Web 3 communities maintain a great camaraderie, develop their own peculiar lingo similar to the Web 1 and 2 movement, and make each other’s lives fun while building something productive together. Not to mention, writers like us have several opportunities in Web 3. If you just spend the next few months reading about technologies underpinning Web 3 like blockchain, you can be a writer yourselves. That’s what we did to be honest. And of course with any space, make sure you continue to learn and stay updated.

If You Are an Artist or Designer

$17 Billion USD of NFTs were traded in 2021 as per industry sources. Demand for artists and designers is set to grow with metaverse applications. The artists here use both manual and generative art – which by the way is art with programming. Music NFTs are also gaining popularity.

Getting Started

Blockchain explained with 5 levels of difficulty starting with an explanation for a 5 year old can be seen in this YouTube video

Skills in Demand

To understand the skills in demand, we analyzed the last USD 2 million in bounties paid out at GitcoinDAO, a blockchain bounty site. The demand and payouts for competent contract/regular developers are disproportionately high. However, contrary to popular opinion, many critical non-technical roles exist in the blockchain.

Let’s focus for a second on writing and research which we writers do all the time. It may now amount to very little compared to programming for instance, but as the ecosystem grows, a Web 3 copywriter can command a comparable salary like other jobs in demand (similar to how we have in Web 2 social media wordl). And as we know, content is the king – be it text, audio or video. You can only do a huge favor by adopting Web 3 as early as you can in our humble opinion. And don’t get us started on marketing opportunities 😀

Web 3 Jobs Bounty Opportunities

Side note : Note that Gitcoin is predominantly for the Ethereum ecosystem; hence Solidity bounties are higher. The smart contract languages may change with the ecosystem. Also, we expect analytics bounties to increase as web 3 matures

Technical Skills in Demand

  1. Smart contract Developers (Solidity, Rust, Go, Rholang)
  2. DevOps Engineer
  3. Product Lead
  4. Full-stack developers
  5. Developers – Python, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Python, Shell
  6. Analysts

Non-Technical Skills in Demand

  1. Marketing
  2. Growth, Partnerships and Business Development
  3. Designers
  4. Community managers
  5. Ambassadors
  6. Tech support
  7. Onboarding specialists
  8. Operations
  9. Treasury Management
  10. Meme makers
  11. Technical /non-technical content writers and editors

Web 3 Coding Courses

  1. eth.build: Educational sandbox/development environment for building on Web 3.
  2. Devpill.me : A learning resource aggregator for building on Ethereum ecosystem
  3. Ethereum development resource catalog: A catalog of multiple resources to get started with development on Ethereum.
  4. Introduction to solidity by Freecode camp and dapp university: A 90 minute tutorial on Solidity, Smart contracts and EVM.
  5. Build a blockchain app: An extension of introduction to solidity: building decentralized applications (or dApps)
  6. Build 5 smart contracts: A tutorial to build your first smart contract.
  7. Go/Golang crash course
  8. Rholang crash course
  9. Create ERC-20 token: ERC-20 is the standard for fungible tokens. ‘ERC’ stands for Ethereum Request for Comments- This is the original draft proposal shared by developers and the final version is implemented as ‘EIP’-Ethereum Improvement Proposal. 
  10. Launch a coin on BSC: Launching a token on Binance Smart Chain
  11. Questbook- learn to code in web 3 and win bounties and NFTs : This has multiple tracks for learning to code in web 3 with Ethereum, Polygon, Solana and Near. Questbook also offers grants for developers
  12. Introduction to Web 3 analytics- Dune analytics: Dune analytics is community-contributed, open-source analytics and data visualization platform. One can query data using SQL and build visualizations.
  13. Learn web3 with peers: Contains content for learning web 3 and a community on discord for peer learning and support.

Web 3 Non Technical Courses

  1. unlu.io : This is an introductory course on blockchain.
  2. a16z crypto startup school: Great resource for aspiring web 3 founders. Covers every aspect of web 3 from business models, and products to people. a16z is one of the biggest venture capitalist funds in web 3.
  3. Whiteboard Crypto and Finematics are the two YouTube channels where one can learn the concepts of Crypto and DeFi easily where the concepts are explained using infographics and easy to understand analogies.
  4. MIT Sloan Open courseware: Blockchain and Money : A comprehensive course covering the fundamentals of blockchain. The professor, Gary Gensler is currently (2022) the chairman of the US securities and exchange commission (SEC). Attempt to finish this once you are done with point 1 and 2 to deep dive into the world of Blockchain and crypto.
  5. Token economics: A course by systems innovation on the fundamentals of token economics. A person who plans to build in web 3 needs to understand the basics of tokenomics which gives insight into the optimal supply, reward distributions and how the economics work in the crypto world. This is a crash course one can finish in a short time.  
  6. Kernel is a web 3 peer to peer learning community. The alumni are founders and early participants of multiple web 3 initiatives. The course is freely accessible and starts with the principles and philosophies of web 3.
  7. 24 top resources compiled by a web 3 enthusiast on Twitter 
  8. Token engineering Academy: Token engineering is a core requirement for every web 3 project.

For Artists & Designers

Thanks to NFTs and Metaverse, artists and designers have loads of opportunities on web 3. Artists need to spend time and effort promoting their art to find buyers. Most artists from communities promote each other on social media. Twitter, clubhouse and discord are the most widely used platforms for networking and promoting art. NFT platforms include :

  1. Opensea: Majority of NFT trades happen here. Anyone can create and upload NFTs.
  2. Rarible: Multichain community-centric NFT marketplace.
  3. Binance NFT: Discover the Most Premium, Unique and Exclusive NFT Collections.
  4. Gen.art: This is an art platform which operates as a DAO.
  5. PalmNFT: NFT ecosystem for culture and creativity, built efficiently with Ethereum.
  6. Foundation: An art platform on Ethereum
  7. Polygon NFTically : A NFT platform powered by Polygon

Web 3 Glossary

The Web 3 community has built a dictionary of new lingo. This is partially because web 3 is an attempt to build newer, fairer systems from ground up. And most of us are well embedded in Web 2 today so this helps to make the transition to Web 3 easy.

Twitter thread: Web 3 lingo

About DAO

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are changing the way we work. Most DAOs have weekly onboarding calls and ‘Ask Me Anything’(AMAs) sessions in which one can interact with the team, get to know how to contribute and pass the vibe check. 

  1. A comprehensive guide on how to join a DAO
  2. DAO jobs
  3. Gitcoin earn

Metaverse Industry

Metaverse is a gamified, 3D web experience with avatars. Activities in 2D browser apps are expected to be replaced with Metaverse. A lot of human interactions and activities will be possible in Metaverse. Shopping, parties, offices, marriages, conferences – any activity which involves human interaction is possible in Metaverse. Most Metaverse applications are being built in a decentralized setup. Each Metaverse is an economy in itself. Some skills and roles in demand for Metaverse are :

  1. AR/VR developers
  2. Game designers
  3. UI/UX designers
  4. 3D modelers
  5. Smart contract engineers
  6. Product designers and managers
  7. Community managers
  8. Growth and marketing

Metaverse Platforms

  1. Decentraland: Explore the first decentralized metaverse owned by its users
  2. The Sandbox: Virtual gaming world
  3. Roblox: Online game platform and game creation system
  4. Cryptovoxels: a user-owned virtual world
  5. Star Atlas: Metaverse-meet-crypto RPG game

Web 3 Jobs

Job websites for crypto:

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jobs4Bitcoins/
  2. https://coinmarketcap.com/jobs/
  3. https://crypto.jobs/
  4. https://cryptocurrencyjobs.co/
  5. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/crypto-jobs

Side note : As we speak, Shardeum is currently looking for software engineers to join its core developer team. Job will be challenging but fun at the same time. Apply here


Every web 3 protocol/project gives out grants to businesses and dApps to build and develop on their networks. If you are an aspiring founder, funding has never been so easy. Whether your project is in the development stage or in production, look out for grants offered by such Web 3 crypto projects. Sharing few grant programs :

  1. Gitcoin grants
  2. Web3 foundation grants
  3. Algorand grants
  4. Solana grants

People & Communities to Follow in Web 3

Twitter is a widely used platform by the web 3 community, so much that the community is collectively called Crypto Twitter.

Twitter Communities:

  1. Free Web3 Community
  2. Web 3.0
  3. Crypto Twitter
  4. Tech and crypto community

Technical Support Forums

https://stackoverflow.com/ and https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/ are the commonly used support forums for solidity.

Handy Bookmark

A comprehensive library of web3 resources can be found here


Web 3 is for everyone. Web 3 resources are typically free; it takes self-interest to learn and up-skill yourselves. Though the demand and payouts for smart contract engineers and software developers in general are the highest in the market, there are various non-technical skills and opportunities abound as mentioned previously. Grab your chance as soon as you can!

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Disclaimers : Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s). They do not necessarily purport to reflect the opinions or views of Shardeum Foundation.

Contributors :

Shuwam Rana, Harsha Karanth, Vishwanath Holin contributed to this blog.

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